Monday, September 30, 2019

Happiness: The Key To Life Essay

Hap-pi-ness: the quality or state of being happy. One crucial standard for living is being able to be happy. Happiness can be found in an numerous amount of ways. It can be found by buying inanimate items that help us better our life or it can be found with communicating with someone. To truly reach full happiness you need to recognize that everything in your life if good and accept that you can be happy with individuals that help shape your life. Many people feel as if they are unable to live without many of their precious belongings but, some would be happy to give them up or throw them away. It is extremely difficult to look face to face to someone and find an acceptable answer to the question â€Å" Can happiness be bought? †. Achieving happiness can be a very simple thing ; for instance the life of a cat. Cats do not have many possessions / items yet they seem very happy and enjoy their lives. Cats have a reliable friend and are constantly loved by someone or another cat. They have everything to be happy so why shouldn’t they be? This can relate to humans because not many people have the same items or electronics as others yet they are happy with the simplest of things. As an example; homeless people receiving a meal on thanksgiving while others just think its another holiday, another family meal. People feel or believe that they can buy happiness but, think about how long that one Martins 2 item keeps/ makes you happy. You spent all your money on a new outfit but, you realize you have no one to see it, do you still feel happy? Or would you feel better at a friends house and hanging out. Think about this: You bought a movie and watch it three times. First time your â€Å" ROLF† rolling on the floor dieing of laughter, second time it funny and by the third time you done, sick of it. Or even when you buy a need game, you play a couple of time than something new, better , more expansive comes along. You never get tried of the simplest things in life, that is true happiness. For instance, my grandma comes over my house and makes me her special hot chocolate because she thinks I’m too skinny. It warms your stomach and makes you feel like special and thankful for everything. You can have all the things in the world but, you will never be happy if you do not have anybody to share it with. If you have no one you feel you can trust of call your true friend buying items will not help fill that void in your life.â€Å"True friends can not be bought at any store and love is not sold in a bottle† but, it can happen and bring you so much happiness. These are things you can get with your heart, even people that are extremely poor or in debt find happiness in the people they love and friends that truly care for them. It is crazy what effect money has. If you can not get happiness with it than isn’t even worth all the money in the entire universe. To be happy, many people need to come to the realization that everything that has occurred in the present or past happened for a logical reason and that’s it has happened in order to make you a better human being. It does not only make you a better person but make you see how well off you have it or can be able to have it. Even though certain events in life can be Martins 3 difficult at a certain moment, people need to realize that you can learn from your experiences and learn to take what is good out of it. In the end, certain situations will help many strive for happiness. Happiness is not free, you need to work and earn it to keep it. To exceed fully happiness people need to go through rough times and happy times as well. Many need to learn how to get the best out of their surroundings. Many things in life go wrong or not how you expected it would turn out but, that does not mean you need to live in fear. You need to live your life to the fullest and be happy, have fun even if things do not always go as planned. People say the best kind of happiness you can feel is when you are in love with someone and you know that they love you back. Whether it is a relationship or just your friends, you care about them so much that you wish them the best in life and their own journeys. This is the purest form of happiness. When two individuals will do anything to make sure the other person is happy and you are as well, it is an unspoken agreement. Happiness may come and go like seasons but, in the end, every moment you have that is filled with happiness will be well worth the unhappy and happy times that you have once endured. Think of those times as milestones in your life. Those little times of being happy or sad are bringing you to the bigger picture in your life. Remember that happiness is a gift that can be and should be shared with everyone. Sure buying things can make you feel amazing for a couple of days or even hours but, in the end you will find greater / true happiness in the little, simplest everyday things that life offers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Six

REALLY, WHEN YOU THOUGHT ABOUT it, Sydney showing up wasn't much weirder than half the other stuff that seemed to happen to me on a regular basis. Sydney was an Alchemist, one I'd met in Russia when trying to find and kill Dimitri. She was my age and had hated being assigned over there, though I'd certainly appreciated her aid. As Dimitri had noted earlier, the Alchemists would want to help the Moroi find and capture me. Yet, judging from the tension radiating off both her and Dimitri in the car, it became obvious that she was assisting in this escape. With great effort, I pushed my questions to the side for the time being. We were still fugitives, still undoubtedly being pursued. Sydney's car was a brand new Honda CR-V with Louisiana plates and a rental sticker. â€Å"What the hell?' I asked. â€Å"Is this daring escape being sponsored by Honda?' When this got no response, I went to the next obvious question. â€Å"Are we going to New Orleans?' That was Sydney's new post. Sightseeing was the last thing on my mind at the moment, but if you had to run away, you might as well run somewhere good. â€Å"No,' she said, backing out of the spot. â€Å"We're going to West Virginia.' I looked sharply at Dimitri, who sat in the backseat, in the hopes that he would deny this. He didn't. â€Å"I assume by â€Å"West Virginia,' you actually mean â€Å"Hawaii,† I said. â€Å"Or some place equally exciting.' â€Å"Honestly, I think you're better off avoiding excitement right now,' Sydney pointed out. The car's GPS device directed her to her next turn, leading us back toward I-81. She frowned slightly. â€Å"And West Virginia's actually really pretty.' I remembered that she was from Utah and probably didn't know any better. Having long since given up on any control in this escape plot, I moved on to the next obvious set of questions. â€Å"Why are you helping us?' I had a feeling Sydney was grimacing in the dark. â€Å"Why do you think?' â€Å"Abe.' She sighed. â€Å"I'm really starting to wonder if New Orleans was worth it.' I'd recently learned that Abe–with that inexplicable, far-reaching influence of his– had been responsible for getting her out of Russia. How he'd done it, I didn't know. What I did know was that it had left Sydney in open-ended debt to him, one he kept using to get favors. Sometimes, I wondered if there was more to the deal than just a job transfer, like maybe he'd done something else that neither had told me about. Regardless, I started to chastise her again that she should have expected this for making a deal with the devil, but I soon reconsidered. With a bunch of guardians in pursuit, it probably wasn't a smart idea to tease someone helping me. I asked a different question. â€Å"Okay. So why are we going to West Virginia?' Sydney opened her mouth to respond, but Dimitri interrupted her. â€Å"Not yet.' I turned around again and shot him a glare. â€Å"I am so sick of this! We've been on the run for six hours now, and I still don't know all the details. I get that we're staying away from the guardians, but are we seriously going to West Virginia? Are we going to make some cabin our base of operation? Like, one on the side of a mountain that doesn't have plumbing?' Sydney gave me one of her trademark exasperated sighs. â€Å"Do you actually know anything about West Virginia?' I didn't like her and Dimitri teaming up to keep me in the dark. Of course, with Sydney, her reticence could be from any number of things. It could still be Abe's orders. Or maybe she just didn't want to talk to me. Since most Alchemists considered dhampirs and vampires the spawn of hell, they didn't usually get too friendly with us. Spending time with me in Siberia had altered her views a little. I hoped. Sometimes I got the vibe she just wasn't that social of a person to begin with. â€Å"You know we've been set up, right?' I asked her. â€Å"We didn't really do anything. They say I killed the queen, but–‘ â€Å"I know,' Sydney interrupted. â€Å"I've heard all about it. All the Alchemists know about it. You two are at the top of our most wanted list.' She attempted a businesslike tone but couldn't entirely hide her uneasiness. I had a feeling Dimitri made her more nervous than I did, which was understandable since he made some of our own people nervous too. â€Å"I didn't do it,' I insisted. Somehow, it was important that she know that. Sydney didn't acknowledge my comment. Instead, she said, â€Å"You should eat. Your food's getting cold. We've got a little over three hours to go and won't be stopping except for gas.' I recognized the finality in her voice, as well as the logic. She didn't want to talk anymore. Inside the bag, I found two giant orders of fries, and three cheeseburgers. She apparently still knew me pretty well. It took all of my restraint to keep from stuffing fries into my mouth then and there. Instead, I offered a cheeseburger to Dimitri. â€Å"You want one? Gotta keep up your strength.' He hesitated several seconds before taking it. He seemed to regard it with a kind of wonder, and it hit me that eating food was still a new thing for him after these last few months. Strigoi only subsisted on blood. I handed him a couple of fries too and then turned back around to devour the rest. I didn't bother offering any to Sydney. She was notorious for her lack of appetite, and besides, I figured she would have eaten already if she'd wanted to while waiting for us. â€Å"I think this is for you,' Dimitri said, handing me a small backpack. I opened it and found a few changes of clothes, as well as some basic toiletries. I double-checked the outfits. â€Å"Shorts, shirts, and a dress. I can't fight in these. I need jeans.' The dress was cute, admittedly: a long gauzy sun-dress in a watercolor print of black, white, and gray. But very impractical. â€Å"That's gratitude for you,' said Sydney. â€Å"This happened kind of fast. There was only so much I could put together.' Glancing behind me, I saw Dimitri unpacking his own bag. It had basic clothing like mine and also– â€Å"A duster?' I exclaimed, watching him pull out the long, leather coat. How it even fit in there defied physics. â€Å"You managed to get him a duster, but you couldn't find me a pair of jeans?' Sydney seemed unconcerned by my outrage. â€Å"Abe said it was essential. Besides, if all goes like it's supposed to, you won't be doing any fighting.' I didn't like the sound of that. Safe and remote. Seeing as I had what were potentially the quietest car companions in the world, I knew better than to expect any real conversation for the next three hours. I supposed it was just as well because it let me check in on Lissa. I was still too on edge about my own escape to spend much time in her head, so it was just a quick assessment of life at Court. Just as Dimitri had predicted, the guardians had restored order pretty soon. The Court was under lockdown, and everyone with any connection to me was being questioned extensively. The thing was, they all had alibis. Everyone had seen my allies at the funeral–or, in Abe's case, thought they'd seen them. A couple girls swore they'd been with Adrian, which I could only imagine was the result of more compulsion. I could feel Lissa's satisfaction through the bond as the guardians' frustration grew and grew. Although she had no idea when I might be checking in on her, she sent me a message through the bond: Don't worry, Rose. I'll take care of everything. We're going to clear your name. I slumped back in the car seat, unsure how to feel about this situation. All my life, I'd taken care of her. I'd protected her from danger and gone out of my way to keep her away from any threats. Now, the roles were reversed. She'd come through for me in saving Dimitri, and I was in her–and apparently everyone else's–hands as far as this escape was concerned. It went against every instinct I had and troubled me. I wasn't used to being protected by others, let alone her. The interrogations were still going on, and Lissa hadn't had hers yet, but something told me my friends were going to get off the hook for this. They wouldn't be punished for my escape, and for the moment, I was really the only one in danger–which was what I preferred. West Virginia might have been as beautiful as Sydney claimed, but I couldn't really tell since it was the middle of the night when we arrived. Mostly I had the sense of driving through mountains, feeling the ups and downs as we went through switchbacks and tunnels. After almost exactly three hours, we rolled into a small hole of a town that had one traffic light and a restaurant simply marked DINER. There hadn't been any traffic on the road for over an hour, though, which was really the most important thing. We hadn't been followed. Sydney drove us to a building with a sign that read MOTEL. Apparently, this town liked to stick to the basics when it came to names. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually just called TOWN. As we walked across the motel's parking lot, I was surprised to feel how sore my legs were. Every part of me ached, and sleep sounded fantastic. It had been more than half a day since this adventure began. Sydney checked us in under fake names, and the sleepy desk clerk didn't ask any questions. We walked down a hall that wasn't dirty exactly but also wasn't anything a royal would have gone near. A cleaning cart leaned against one wall, as though someone had given up and abandoned it. Sydney suddenly came to a halt in front of a room and handed us a key. I realized she was heading off to a different room. â€Å"We're not all staying together?' I asked. â€Å"Hey, if you guys get caught, I don't want to be anywhere near you,' she said, with a smile. I had a feeling she also didn't want to sleep in the same room as â€Å"evil creatures of the night.' â€Å"I'll still be nearby, though. We'll talk in the morning.' This made me realize something else. I eyed Dimitri. â€Å"We're sharing a room?' Sydney shrugged. â€Å"All the better to defend yourselves.' She left us in that abrupt way of hers, and Dimitri and I glanced at each other briefly before heading into the room. Like the rest of the motel, it wasn't fancy, but it would do. The carpet was worn but intact, and I appreciated the weak attempt at decorating with a very bad painting of some pears. A small window looked sad. There was one bed. Dimitri locked the bolt and chain on the door and then sat back in the room's lone chair. It was wooden with a straight back, but he seemed to regard it as the most comfortable thing in the world. He still wore that perpetually vigilant look of his, but I could see exhaustion around the edges. This had been a long night for him too. I sat down on the edge of the bed. â€Å"What now?' â€Å"Now we wait,' he said. â€Å"For what?' â€Å"For Lissa and the others to clear your name and find out who killed the queen.' I expected more explanation, but all I got was silence. Disbelief began to build up in me. I'd remained as patient as I could tonight, always assuming Dimitri was leading me toward some mysterious mission to help solve the murder. When he said we were going to wait, surely he didn't mean we were just going to †¦ well, wait? â€Å"What are we going to do?' I demanded. â€Å"How are we going to help them?' â€Å"We told you earlier: You can hardly go looking for clues at Court. You need to stay away. You need to stay safe.' My jaw dropped as I gestured around the drab room. â€Å"What, and this is it? This is where you're stashing me? I thought †¦ I thought there was something here. Something to help.' â€Å"It is helping,' he said, in that damnably calm way of his. â€Å"Sydney and Abe researched this place and decided it was out of the way enough to avoid detection.' I shot up from the bed. â€Å"Okay, comrade. There's one serious problem here with your logic. You guys keep acting like me staying out of the way is helping.' â€Å"Whats a serious problem is us repeating this conversation over and over. The answers to who murdered Tatiana are at Court, and that's where your friends are. They'll figure this out.' â€Å"I didn't just get in a high-speed chase and jump state lines to hole up in some crappy motel! How long are you planning on â€Å"staying out of the way' here?' Dimitri crossed his arms over his chest. â€Å"As long as it takes. We have the funds to stay here indefinitely.' â€Å"I probably have enough spare change in my pocket to stay here indefinitely! But it's not happening. I have to do something. I won't just take the easy way out and sit around.' â€Å"Surviving isn't as easy as you think.' â€Å"Oh God,' I groaned. â€Å"You've been hanging out with Abe, haven't you? You know, when you were a Strigoi, you told me to stay away from him. Maybe you should take your own advice.' I regretted the words as soon as they left my lips and saw in his eyes that I'd inflicted serious damage. He might have been acting like the old Dimitri in this escape, but his time as a Strigoi still tormented him. â€Å"I'm sorry,' I said. â€Å"I didn't mean–‘ â€Å"We're done discussing this,' he said harshly. â€Å"Lissa says we're staying here, so we're staying here.' Anger shoved aside my guilt. â€Å"Thats why you're doing this? Because Lissa told you to?' â€Å"Of course. I swore I'd serve and help her.' That was when I snapped. It had been bad enough that when Lissa restored him to a dhampir, Dimitri had thought it was okay to stick around Lissa while spurning me. Despite the fact that I'd been the one who went to Siberia and that I was the one who learned about how Victor's brother Robert knew how to restore Strigoi †¦ well, apparently those things didn't matter. Only Lissa wielding the stake had seemed to matter, and Dimitri now held her up as some kind of angelic goddess, one he'd made an archaic, knight-like vow to serve. â€Å"Forget it,' I said. â€Å"I am not staying here.' I made it to the door in three steps and managed to undo the chain, but in seconds, Dimitri was out of his chair and had thrown me against the wall. Really, that was pretty slow reaction time. I would have expected him to stop me before I'd taken two steps. â€Å"You are staying here,' he said evenly, hands gripping my wrists. â€Å"Whether you like it or not.' Now, I had a few options. I could stay, of course. I could hang out for days–months, even–in this motel until Lissa cleared my name. That was presuming Lissa could clear my name and that I didn't get food poisoning from the DINER diner. This was the safest option. Also the most boring for me. Another option was to fight my way through Dimitri. That was neither safe nor easy. It would also be particularly challenging because I'd have to try to fight in such a way that would allow me to escape but wouldn't kill him or cause either of us serious injury. Or, I could just throw caution away and not hold back. Hell, the guy had battled Strigoi and half the Court's guardians. He could handle me giving everything I had. We'd certainly shared some pretty rough encounters back at St. Vladimir's. Would my best be enough for me to escape? Time to find out. I kneed him in the stomach, which he clearly hadn't expected. His eyes widened in shock–and a little pain–providing me with an opening to break free of his grip. That opening was only long enough for me to yank out the door's bolt. Before I could reach for the knob, Dimitri had a hold of me again. He gripped me hard and threw me onto the bed stomach first, both pinning me with his weight and preventing my limbs from doing any more surprise kicking. This was always my biggest problem in fights: opponents– usually men–with more strength and weight. My speed was my greatest asset in those situations, but being held down made dodging and evasion a non-option. Still, every part of me struggled, making it difficult for him to keep me down. â€Å"Stop this,' he said in my ear, his lips nearly touching it. â€Å"Be reasonable for once. You can't get past me.' His body was warm and strong against mine, and I promised my own body a stern scolding later. Quit it, I thought. Focus on getting out of here, not how he feels. â€Å"I'm not the one being unreasonable,' I growled, trying to turn my face toward him. â€Å"You're the one caught up in some noble promise that makes no sense. And I know you don't like to sit out of the action any more than I do. Help me. Help me find the murderer and do something useful.' I stopped struggling and pretended our argument had distracted me. â€Å"I don't like sitting around, but I also don't like rushing into an impossible situation!' â€Å"Impossible situations are our specialty,' I pointed out. Meanwhile, I tried to assess his hold on me. He hadn't relaxed his grip, but I hoped maybe the conversation was distracting him. Normally, Dimitri was too good to lose his focus. But I knew he was tired. And maybe, just maybe, he might be a little careless since it was me and not a Strigoi. Nope. I lashed out abruptly, trying to break away and scramble out from under him. The best I managed to do was roll myself over before he had a hold of me again, now leaving me back-down on the bed. Being so close to him †¦ his face, his lips †¦ the warmth of his skin on mine. Well. It appeared that all I'd accomplished was putting myself at a greater disadvantage. He certainly didn't seem to be affected by our bodies' closeness. He wore that typical steel resolve of his, and even though it was stupid of me, even though I knew I shouldn't care anymore that he was over me †¦ well, I did care. â€Å"One day,' he said. â€Å"You can't even wait one day?' â€Å"Maybe if we'd gone to a nicer hotel. With cable.' â€Å"This is no time for jokes, Rose.' â€Å"Then let me do something. Anything.' â€Å"I. Can't.' Saying the words obviously pained him, and I realized something. I was so mad at him, so furious that he'd try to make me sit around and play it safe. But he didn't like any of this either. How could I have forgotten how alike we were? We both craved action. We both wanted to be useful, to help those we cared about. It was only his self- resolve to help Lissa that was keeping him here with this babysitting job. He claimed me rushing back to Court was reckless, but I had a feeling that if he hadn't been the one in charge of me–or, well, thought he was–he would have run right back there too. I studied him, the determined dark eyes and expression softened by the brown hair that had escaped its ponytail holder. It hung around his face now, just barely touching mine. I could try to break free again but was losing hope of that working. He was too fierce and too set on keeping me safe. I suspected pointing out my suspicion that he wanted to go back to Court too wouldn't do any good. True or not, he would be expecting me to argue with Rose-logic. He was Dimitri, after all. He would be expecting everything. Well, almost. An idea hit me so fast that I didn't pause to analyze it. I just acted. My body might be constrained, but my head and neck had just enough freedom to shift up–and kiss him. My lips met his, and I learned a few things. One was that it was possible to catch him totally by surprise. His body froze and locked up, shocked at the sudden turn of events. I also realized that he was just as good a kisser as I recalled. The last time we'd kissed had been when he was Strigoi. There had been an eerie sexiness to that, but it didn't compare to the heat and energy of being alive. His lips were just like I remembered from our time at St. Vladimir's, both soft and hungry at the same time. Electricity spread through the rest of my body as he kissed me back. It was both comforting and exhilarating. And that was the third thing I discovered. He was kissing me back. Maybe, just maybe, Dimitri wasn't as resolved as he claimed to be. Maybe under all that guilt and certainty that he couldn't love again, he still wanted me. I would have liked to have found out. But I didn't have the time. Instead, I punched him. It's true: I've punched lots of guys who were kissing me but never one I actually wanted to keep kissing. Dimitri still had a solid hold on me, but the shock of the kiss had dropped his guard. My fist broke out and connected with the side of his face. Without missing a beat, I shoved him off me as hard as I could and leapt away from the bed and toward the door. I heard him scramble to his feet as I threw it open. I shot out of the room and slammed the door shut before I could see what he did next. Not that I needed to. He was coming after me. Without a moment's hesitation, I shoved the abandoned cleaning cart in front of the room's door and sprinted off down the hall. A couple seconds later, the door opened, and I heard a cry of annoyance–as well as a very, very bad word in Russian–as he ran into the cart. It would only take him a few moments to push it aside, but that was all I needed. I was down the flight of stairs in a flash and into the meager lobby where a bored desk clerk was reading a book. He nearly jumped out of his chair when I came tearing through. â€Å"There's a guy chasing me!' I called as I headed out the door. The clerk didn't really look like anyone who would try to stop Dimitri, and I had a feeling Dimitri wouldn't stop anyway if the guy asked him to. In the most extreme case, the man would call the police. In this town, the POLICE probably consisted of one guy and a dog. Regardless, it was no longer my concern. I had escaped the motel and was now in the middle of a sleepy mountain town, its streets cast in shadows. Dimitri might be right behind me, but as I plunged into some woods nearby, I knew it was going to be easy for me to lose him in the darkness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Brueggemanns Bridge Between Form Criticism of The Psalms, Theology and Spirituality Theology Religion

‘Form Criticism' of the Psalms has been around for less than a hundred years. Prior to 1920's study use of the Psalms was pretty much limited to a ‘historical-critical' approach and a ‘Christological' approach. That is Ââ€" the establishing of who wrote what and why and the reading of psalms within the context of ‘Christ', respectively. To fully appreciate how Brueggemann builds these bridges between form criticism, theology and spirituality we will first look at a basic understanding of the foundations of form criticism onto which Brueggemann offered his new schema. Secondly we shall look at Brueggemann's schema and how he builds and develops these bridges into theology and spirituality. Finally we shall be reflecting on ‘Christian spirituality' That is; we shall be reflecting on how this schema helps us in our engagement with secular spirituality with particular reference to the area of ‘urban hip-hop' and ‘new punk'. I am basing my understanding and f ramework of spirituality on the work of Bob Mayo in his work ‘Making Sense of Generation Y' (2006). In it he proposes that spirituality can be understood in two ways Ââ€" Formative spirituality; that is a level of spiritual understanding and awareness that everyone is born with and everyone has. And secondly transformative spirituality; that is a level of spiritual understanding and awareness that builds on formative spirituality into having a personal and communal outworking. And so in answering ‘How does Brueggemann build bridges between form criticism of the Psalms, theology and spirituality?' I shall be addressing spirituality in a Christian transformative understanding and from a secular formative spirituality understanding. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FORM CRITICISM As stated earlier it wasn't until the 1920's and the work of Hermann Gunkel, and his student Sigmund Mowinkel, that form criticism really started. Gunkel and Mowinkel observed that the Psalms only really had a very limited framework of approaches and styles Ââ€" The Hymn, Communal Lament, Individual Lament, Royal Psalms and Individual Thanksgiving. Further work identified five further, less common categories of Psalm Ââ€" Communal Thanksgiving, Wisdom, Pilgrimage, Entrance Liturgies and finally Mixed Poems .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Confidential Organizational Information and Employee Responsibility Essay

Confidential Organizational Information and Employee Responsibility - Essay Example This breach at Sony made experts question the level of security that is associated with other companies that have in their possession millions of data records linked to different users. The situation at Sony should be used by those in the area of IT security to recognize and implement security protocols in a consistent manner throughout their organizations. In the case of customers, they should be careful of the people they give their data as it may not be worth the price of getting an access to online games. The PlayStation outage was caused by an external intrusion that was directed at the PlayStation Network associated with Sony as well as Qriosity services and involved personal data linked to almost seventy seven million accounts being stolen while preventing users using PS 3 and PS Portable consoles from being able to play online using the service (Daniel & Daniel, 2012). This attack took place on April seventeenth and went on up to the nineteenth of April in 2011, thereby obliging Sony to shut the PlayStation network on the twentieth. Sony ultimately confirmed that personally identifiable information associated with all of the seventy seven million accounts had been stolen on 4th May and the outage that followed went on to last twenty three days. During the outage, almost seventy seven million PlayStation Network accounts that had already been registered were affected, making it the biggest data security breach in history. It was even bigger than the TJX hack that took place 2007 that had affected approximately forty-five million customers (Delta & Matsuura, 2009). Officials from the governments of various nations were concerned about the theft and the manner in which Sony delayed before it gave a warning to its users. On 26 April, Sony gave the statement that it was trying to get its online services running in a week’s time and went on to release PS 3 firmware version 3.61 as a security patch. The users of this firmware were

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Human relations - Essay Example When one enjoys healthy relationships with others, it affects one’s disposition, attitude and performance. Personal relationships have much power over an individual that when there are strained relationships outside of work, it usually affects how one performs at work. When a worker is emotionally weak and tend to dwell on the effects of a strained personal relationship outside work, he may not be able to concentrate well on his tasks, leading to lowered quality of performance and less productivity. On the other hand, if he enjoys fulfilling relationships both outside and at work, then, he becomes more stable in his performance, allowing him to focus well on his tasks and becomes driven to succeed. The same goes for conflicts with co-workers affecting one’s personal health and even the way he may release the job stress towards his family and friends. Being able to manage oneself and control impulses and emotional meltdown during challenging situations is a mark of a str ong person. If this is not mastered, then one will not be able to cope with the demands of the workplace where multiple conflicts and challenges abound. Chapter 2: Self-esteem and Self-Confidence Dubrin describes self-esteem as a sense of feeling worthwhile and the pride that comes from a sense of self-worth. When one has a healthy self-esteem, he feels good about himself and maintains a positive outlook on life. He develops favourable work attitudes and performs his task at a high level. This is because he believes that he is capable of being a competent worker that is why he is able to challenge himself more and more to validate his beliefs that he possesses the necessary skills for the job. However, if one suffers poor self-esteem, it gravely affects his disposition and work performance. There is a prevalent feeling of low self-worth that feeds on negativity. The individual cannot grasp the concept that he is an able human being and that he has unlimited potentials if only he bel ieves in himself and that he has innate gifts that can be developed. Enhancing self-esteem involves looking into one’s strengths and being proud of them. It is a good exercise to always find something positive about oneself when evaluating performance no matter how small it may be. For instance, when reflecting on a written work that may be filled with spelling mistakes, one can also point out that there were no grammatical errors. Somehow, this saves one from dwelling in the negative. Avoiding situations that threaten one’s self-esteem such as not participating in dance contests when one is admittedly awkward in dance movements is a wise move to preserve one’s self-esteem. Lastly, being with positive people who are able to boost the self-esteem of others is another thing that can be done to enhance one’s self-esteem. Having a healthy self-esteem leads to self-confidence, which is an important quality needed in both personal and professional growth. Self- confident people are more likely to be more effective in leadership and sales positions, as they set higher goals for themselves and strive to achieve those goals. Usually, such confidence comes from having several abilities that these individuals develop further and the positive feedback they receive from people even from the time when they were younger. One’s self-confidence is likely to be strengthened if he persists in doing better in the tasks assigned to him and he feels the

Jeyes business 's generic and distinctive marketing strategies Case Study

Jeyes business 's generic and distinctive marketing strategies - Case Study Example The main research question to be speaking to in this reading is whether the chief executive officer (CEO) ought to unilaterally exercise strategic leadership on behalf of the whole organization or whether such leadership ought to be shared by one or more additional groups in the pecking order of management. The achievement of the strategic objectives fundamental strategic decisions is talented through the effectual practice of strategic leadership. In spite of the self-evident perceptual imprecision and cognitive limitations of strategic leaders, their imitation of the factors causal to or detracting from victorious outcomes of strategic choices are extremely important for the long-term feasibility of the organization (Wheelen, Thomas L. Hunger). The study fundamental this research is directed toward determine the truly important leadership factors that make a payment to the achievement of implemented strategic decisions as seen during the eyes of the chief executive officer (CEO). The exact focus is on strategic leadership at the height of the CEO. There are additional studies that are anxious with the CEO as a strategic leader. But, for the mainly part, these are not studies in which the CEO is the elite participant. This study is based on a learning of strategic leadership at the CEO level as apparent by the in office chief executives with a sight toward formative whether victorious strategic decisions ought to be made unilaterally or jointly at the uppermost levels of the business. Introduction The following report describes and analyses Jeyes business 's generic and distinctive marketing strategies, as well as providing accurate industry, competitor, market, and SWOT analysis'. Evaluation of Jeyes business 's marketing strategy is conducted, thus analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. Lastly the report recommends probable future courses of actions obtainable to Jeyes business, in order to get better profits and stop mistakes in the future. It is important to emphasize that the study of International strategic planning methodology should not be limited to techniques alone. numerous books have been written on planning method over the years, but without firm basics in theory and/or empirical confirmation, very few have endured the examination of time. Accordingly, this quantity is a compendium of together theory and experiential proof that pertain especially to how firms ought to be managed deliberately. Thus, the application of strategic management hypothesis and experiential proof to preparation technique is the subject matter of strategic planning methodology, and this quantity which, we consider, is the first to attain such a nexus (Schuler, R. S., 2003, 419-459). Strategic development technique is, to strategic management theory, what automatic engineering is to hypothetical physics. More than just procedural guidelines, then, this research contains main beliefs of applied strategic management theory and experiential evidence that are either usually accepted or adequately verifiable to serve as bases for expert practice. mutually strategic management scholars and grave strategic planning practitioners who wish a total collection of typically accepted planning main beliefs ought to find this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How to Get a Job Easily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to Get a Job Easily - Essay Example The paper explores the difficulties in getting hired for required position and analyses why some people cannot find a job easily even if they are expert in their field. Or how can we reflect the true picture about our skills which can fit with the required position. Therefore, it's important for work seekers to learn some steps in order to get hired at the first attempt. However, the realization of this desire does not happen easily and automatically. To some, it is a whole nightmare to go through the job searching process because of the numerous records of how other people have failed. But the proposition of whether getting job easily or through the hardest way out is a phenomenon that does not happen by chance. It actually takes a person to work his or her way through to getting a job easily. To most job experts, there is a three-tier model or principle that if the job seeker uses, he or she is much likely to land on a job easily. This three-tier model is dubbed good CV-good search method-good interview. The simple implication behind this model is for the job seeker to first and foremost have very good curricula vitae (CV), use an effective job searching medium and also have command over interviews. In the first instance, a curriculum vitae or resume should be seen as a fundamental tool in getting a good job. The resume is actually a powerful ultra scan tool that has the power of bringing to light the potentials and capabilities of the job seeker that cannot be readily seen through observation. The resume therefore speaks for the job seeker by outlining his qualifications, skills, interests, aims, experiences and ambitions for a given job. It is therefore important that job seekers approach the designing of their resumes professionally. It must be recognized that the resume is considered by most employers as an academic principle that ought to follow certain strict format and procedure. It is therefore important to include such things as name, date of birth, address, contacts, work history master list, list of experiences starting from the latest one, qualification and training master list, interests and referees. It is also important to make available on demand certificates and other documentations to proof everything that is stated on the resume. Above all, the resume needs to be accompanied with a cover letter, explaining why one is interested in a particular organization and determine the pertinent skills and experience. After settling with a very good resume, one has to take decision on the job search method to use. To find job easily, it is advised that a job seeker will cast his net wide. It is wrong for a person to put all his eggs in one basket because in that case if the person loses that basket he losses all his eggs. In other words, it is prudent to use as varying means and media of searching for job as possible. Ultimately, the internet, newspaper, radio and job hunt agencies would do. A modern and effective trend has also been found to be the use of networking whereby a person relies on information of job openings from friends, relatives and old mates. This is very effective because it has been research that most job openings are not advertised in any of the mediums stated above (Gardener, 2009). This way, a person will be exposed to wider range of job openings. This will give the job seeker the opportunity to be highly selective of the kind of jobs to go for and those to avoid based on experience and qualification. Ultimately, the job seeker but remember that the fact that he needs a job does not mean that he should apply for just any job opening at all even if that does not meet his qualifications

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Essay

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have faced and develop scenarios explaining why working at international level is a comprimise - Essay Example Through a process of closely coordinated efforts of its designated committees and subcommittees, it is responsible for rendering professionalized services in all safety aspects of maritime This also applies to the context of technical consultations and special problem solving, where the necessity of expert consultations are also required. Due to administrative and procedural delays, there are many aspects of marine endangerment which continue to plague international sea trade. These problems are difficult to contain even for a multinational agency under the aegis of United Nations Organisation. One underlying aspect that needs to be understood is that while the IMO is a regulatory body that adopts law making, it is for the individual countries to implement the proposed laws by changing their respective legislatures to accommodate the IMO directives. If this is not forthcoming, the very purpose of initiating laws would seem to be an exercise in futility. â€Å"The problem is that some countries lack the expertise, experience and resources necessary to do this properly. Others perhaps put enforcement fairly low down their list of priorities.† (International Maritime Organization, Frequently asked questions) The IMO was operationalized in 1959, within a minimum of 21 member states, but as of now, there are 167 Member States and 3 Associate Members. (IMO Member States 2002).Several governmental and non-governmental agencies (NGOs) also contribute immensely to the overall functioning of the IMO. It is constantly endeavouring for enhancing the safety and security aspects of movements on the high seas, especially in the modern era of international terrorism and oceanic piracy. The responsible role it now plays in world oceanic trade as an independent institution  is very commendable, and it is now believed to be one of the most useful, effective and progressive agencies of the United Nations Organisation. The importance of the performance

Monday, September 23, 2019

Commercial Leases Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Commercial Leases - Case Study Example Among these are grounds where the tenant has failed to pay the rent or meet other lease obligations, but the landlord may also seek possession on certain specific grounds where the tenant is not "at fault". High Street Properties Ltd (HSP) would be the landlord of shopping parade in South West London by purchase. To modernisation and refurbishment to improve the rents HSP may send a notice under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and The LTA 11954, Part 2 (Notices) Regulations 2004. Tenants have lots of provision to protect it. This question raises some issues from commercial lease. In order to answer this question it is necessary to discuss landlord's rights against lease property, tenant's right, and forfeiture of terms of lease contract. High Street Properties Ltd (HSP) intends to purchase and refurbish a shopping parade in South West London built in the 1930s from another property investment company. The properties need modernisation and refurbishment to improve the rents significantly. HSP 2 has to consider the terms of the contract, covenant of the commercial lease contract. From the question it is clear that the High Street Properties Ltd will not be the original contracting party. Thus it also required checking with if there are any Sub-lets among the tenants. HSP should establish 'privity of estate' with the tenants by purchasing the shopping parade. However, here it is important when HSP intends to purchase. If HSP intends to purchase before June 2004, they will seek Part II of the LTA 1954. Otherwise, HSP has to follow The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, Part 2 (Notices) Regulations 2004 because from 1 June 2004, substantial changes to the legislation relating to business tenancies will come into effect. The Artical "Analysing the Changes 3" by JOYCE, J.' 2005 questioned law and surveying professional as to their opinion on the amandments introduced. The article provides the results from a survey, which was sent to members of the Property Litigation Association, the Royal Institute of chartered surveyor and the Chancery Bar Association. Of the two hundred and thirty one responses recieved the majority of respondents had felt the amendments had been successful and were easy to implement. They amount to the most radical amendment to this legislation, since it was introduced 50 years ago. The LRA 4 1967 has a significant effect. But this question of fact completely ignore about the era or year. So in this require discussing all the possible circumstance. a) First of all HSP will be determined whether they are business tenant or not. Royal Life Saving Society v Page 5 In this case Court determined who would be the business tenant. The Court held that the doctor's professional use was incidental to his residential use. In Street v Mountford 6 Lord Templeman suggested that there are three characteristics of a lease, these are exclusive possession, a determinate period, for a rent or other consideration. Exclusive possession means that the tenant has control over any one who enters the premises and can exclude everyone, including the landlord. BELL, C.D., 2002. GARNER, S., and FRITH, A., 2004 define the essential elements of Business tenancy. In Cheryl Investments Ltd v Saldanha 7 the court held that this was a business tenancy as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critical Success Factor Analysis Essay Example for Free

Critical Success Factor Analysis Essay This wasnt the case for AA. They had clear Organisational vision and views set out from the beginning. Their reason for the new system was to improve the standards of customer service for customer loyalty and to reduce their cost which is their organisational strategy.  This resulted in three main business requirements for the new IS. Development of a nationally-based system   Separation of the functions   The provision of a base for new products or services  AAs system was definitely a business-led system. They had the idea for AAHELP long before technology caught up enough for the system to be implemented. Their IS system was led by a long-term vision from way back. A lot could be contrasted during the implementation phase also. In AAs case, they used a phase-by-phase approach. Each phase would have a business case. This was to make the job of convincing the board easier. This proved useful not only in convincing the board, but also in that it allowed a certain degree of flexibility, as the system could be adapted in order to deal with the changes in the organisation more generally. This gradual incremental approach to the development meant that even though the overall time of the project took longer, the system was checked more thoroughly, and thus was much less likely to have problems later on when it would cost a lot more to fix.  This is shown very clearly in the Symons case. They hired ProSys to deliver the full system in one go. During implementation, they found a lot of costly errors such as differences in Numbering Systems, and changes to the system which cost them an additional à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15,000. IT TEAM There were some differences between the two even in their I.T Team. Firstly, AA had their personal in-house I.T staff while Symons hired programmers. There are several benefits of in-house I.T staff. It takes shorter time for problems to be sorted out. Another difference was that the IT Team all worked in one location only. This built team spirit and encouraged formal and informal communications. Working so close together also meant that problems would be noticed, and sorted out much faster. Strategic Information Systems Planning Methodologies  The task of strategic information systems planning is difficult and often time organizations do not know how to do it. Strategic information systems planning is a major change for organizations, from planning for information systems based on users demands to those based on business strategy.  Vitale, et al. (1986) classifies SISP methodologies into two categories: impact and alignment. Impact methodologies help create and justify new uses of IT, while the methodologies in the alignment category align IS objectives with organizational goals. Impact Methodologies  Value Chain Analysis  A form analysing business activities. It helps in devising information systems which increase the overall profit available to a firm and identifying the potential for mutual business advantages of component businesses, in the same or related industries, available from information interchange. It concentrates on value-adding business activities and is independent of organizational structure. Strengths: It concentrates on direct value adding activities of a firm and thus pitches information systems right into the realm of value adding rather than cost cutting  Weaknesses: Basic concept of a value chain is difficult to apply to non-manufacturing organizations where the product is not tangible and there are no obvious raw materials. It also fails to address the developmental and implementation issues. Critical success factors analysis can be considered to be both an impact as well as an alignment methodology. Critical Success Factors (CSF) in the context of SISP are used for interpreting more clearly the objectives, tactics, and operational activities in terms of key information needs of an organization and its managers and strengths and weaknesses of the organizations existing systems. Critical success factors are limited areas of the business where if the result is satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the organisation Strengths: CSF analysis provides a very powerful method for concentrating on key information requirements of an organization, a business unit, or of a manager. This allows the management to concentrate resources on developing information systems around these requirements. Also, CSF analysis is easy to perform and can be carried out with few resources.  Weaknesses: CSF analysis by itself is not enough to perform comprehensive SISP because it does not define a data architecture or provide automated support for analysis. CSFs also focus primarily on management control and thus tend to be internally focused and analytical rather than creative

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Importance Of English Language English Language Essay

The Importance Of English Language English Language Essay The usage of English Language has become significant in our daily life. It is a fact that English Language is the language that is used globally in the world nowadays. Many countries governments practise English Language as the formal language to carry out their jobs and to complete the paper works. In conjunction with the global trend, the English Language society of SMK Pandan Indah has planned some activities to be carried out in the school compound since the beginning of the year. This is implemented so that the students of the school can be exposed to the importance of English Language. Aims and Objectives of Programmes With the support from school administration, the English Language society manages to carry out the English programmes for all the students to participate in. There are few aims for the programmes to be held. First of all, the English Language society wishes to fully make English Language to be visible in the school compound. To make the English Language to be visible in the school compound, five essential skills are needed to be promoted among the students, that are reading, listening, speaking, writing and grammar. All the students must master all these skills to avoid being eliminated from the global trend. Besides, the second aim English Language society conducts English programmes is to make use of English as the medium of communication. Nowadays, english has become vividly important in the world. Many countries use English as the mean in carrying out the administration work. Being able to speak in English is not a strange anymore. Students who are not able to communicate English with people will be eliminated from the global trend. As we all know, the world nowadays becomes very competitive and undergoing rapid changes. Students must be able to improve themselves from time to time. Mastering English Language is unavoidable anymore. To support with the aims being set, English Language society has planned two activities to be carried out throughout the year. The first programme is learn a phrase a day. The objective is to boost up students confidence by standing up on the stage to speak in English. This activity will provide a medium for students to practise their English publicly. Through this programme, the students are also able to improve their pronunciation of English. Students of new era are weak in pronunciating the correct way of English words. From this activity, students are expected to learn the correct pronunciation of English words. Moreover, students will have the chances to boost up own confidence when presenting in English in front of the audience. The second programme is English Fortnight. In that two weeks, many activities will be organised by English Language society. This is to promote the use of English when participating in competitions.The students will be exposed to the importance of English Language through a series of activities being carried out. They should not only focus on their mother tongue respectively, but to learn other languages as well. Through the activities, students are expected to equip themselves with fluent English as it will be very helpful to them in the future. Duration of Programmes At the beginning of the year, English Language society officiated the learn a phrase a day activity at the assembly. An opening ceremony was held on 10th of January, 2011. This activity was being carried out throughout the whole year. Everyday before assembly commences, the activity was held on. It took up around 5 to 10 minutes for every presentation. For English Fortnight, it was held at the midst of the year, which was around the end of April to the beginning of May. The opening ceremony for English Forthnight was held on 25th of April, 2011. The programme lasted for two weeks consecutively. A series of activities was planned to be organised for all the students to participate in. Both programmes were carried out during schooling hours. For morning session, the programmes were held on from 7.20am until 1.20pm for Mondays to Thursdays, and from 7.20am until 12.45pm for every Friday. Meanwhile, for afternoon session of schooling, it is from 1.20pm until 6.45pm for every Monday and Friday, and for Fridays, the schooling hours are from 2.20pm until 6.45pm. Target Group Both programmes were being carried out with its specific target group. For the programme Learn a phrase a day, students of form four were required to take turn to present at the daily assembly. For afternoon session, students of form one and form two needed to send representatives for each class to give presentations on the stage everyday. Students of form three and form five were excluded as they were informed by the school administration to concentrate fully on government examinations, that were PMR and SPM. Meanwhile, English Fortnight was planned to involve every student of each form. There were numerous activities that took place for specific form of students to join. For examples, essay writing competition was held and targeted on form three and form five students. Choir singing competition was held for every form of students. Form one and form twos students were involved in poem recitation competition. Impromptu speech competition was organised targeted for form fours students. Report on implementation of Programmes Learn A Phrase A Day Learn a phrase a day was the major programme that was held according to the school policy. The programme was subdivided in to two parts. On Mondays, students selected were required to deliver speeches in English. For Tuesdays to Fridays, students were required to choose a phrase to present on the stage. The phrase could be selected from idioms, vocabularies, and so on. One week before the presentation of phrases, English teachers would guide the classes to elect few students for the presentation. For every presentation, two students would be selected. One would hold a manilla card written with the phrases of the day while the other one would explain the phrases to all the students in the assembly. The meaning, and the example are needed to be provided by the presenter so that all the students would get to understand the phrases better. For every Monday, one student would be needed for the presentation only and the respective student was required to present a speech. The speeches presented by the students must be conducted in English Language. The mean to select students for the presentations was on the teachers discretion. They could either choose the representatives by themselves, or being democratic by organising the voting session. In the morning session, form four students were involved in it only. Hence, every of the students in form four had to take turn to present on the stage according to the ascending order of the class name lists. Excuses such as sore throat, stomachache, or headache were not being accepted for them to skip the presentations, unless they could have the medical certificate verified from the doctors as the proves. Nevertheless, they could exchange the position for presentation with their classmates, with the base that the particular student agreed with the exchange. For form one and form twos students, the programme started from students of form two. This was because form twos students had adapted to the new studying environment after studying in the school for one year. Form ones students were still undergoing a period to adapt to the new studying environment and new rules and regulations. Their session started after March of 2011. The schools top administration would become the panel of judges to evaluate the performance of each presenter. The marks were allocated based on the pronunciation of the phrases, the content of the presentation, and the combination of gesture. The marks were collected to be accumulated until the end of the year. It was not an individual competition, but a class competition. Classes accumulated with the highest marks would be awarded with the RM500 and hamper worth RM200. Eventually, 4K class won the champion away for morning session while for afternoon session, 1S defeated other classes and took the prizes away. English Fortnight English Fortnight was the second major programme organised by English Language society. It was held from 25th of April, 2011 until 6th of May, 2011. A series of activities and competitions were planned accordingly. The first activity of the programme was choir singing competition. Every form of students were required to take part in it. Every class had to prepare a song to perform. The selection of songs was on their discretion, but with one criteria that all the songs must be performed in English. One week was given to them for the preparation work. The competition held on 3rd of May, 2011 in the school hall. The performance will be judged by few criteria, that were the combination of gesture, the rhythms of the songs and the content of the songs. Use of costumes was optional too. They could prepare some equipment to aid in their performance. Each class had to finish their performance within 8 minutes. There were 3 judges responsible for the adjudication, that were Mr. Herman, Ms. Wong, and Ms Geraldine. The competition went well as scheduled. Each of class performed well and the judges had the hard time to choose the winners. For the morning session, 4K emerged as the champion with the song t itled Love is Colour Blind. The first runner up went to 3S with their song You Raise Me Up. The second runner up went to 5K, who sang Hero. Meanwhile, 2B won the champion away for the afternoon session. 1M won the first runner up while third place went to 1K. The champion received cash RM 200 and hamper worth RM100. The first runner up would receive cash RM 150 and hamper worth RM50 while cash RM 100 was given to the second runner up. The champion teams were required to perform once again on the stage during the closing ceremony. Essay writing competition was another activity being held on. The competition targeted on form three and form fives students. Each class had to send two representatives to take part in the competition. The competition was held in the language room. The title of the essay writing was The role of English Language in the future. All the participants were given one and a half hour to complete the essay. The essay must be at least 350 words. Mr Illamaran and Ms Toh were the judges to mark the essays. The winners name list was announced during closing ceremony. The champion would receive hamper worth RM100. The first runner up would have a hamper worth RM50 while the second runner up would receive hamper RM30. Eventually, Cedric Koh from class 5K emerged as the champion and Mohd Hashim Hafiz won the first runner up place. The master pieces of them were pasted on the board and were uploaded into the school buletins. Besides, there was an impromptu speech competition which was specially for form fours students. Each class had to send a representative to participate the competition. The competition was carried out on 28th of April, 2011. On that day, all the participants were needed to gather at language room at 9am sharp. Participants were given the topics on the spot. They chose the topics by drawing from a box prepared. 5 minutes was given to them to prepare after they getting their topics respectively. Marks will be allocated on the combination of gesture, the content, the fluency of the speech, and the vocabularies. Ms Jamielah and Mr. Lim were the judges to evaluate the participants performances. Some gave up as the topics they got were too difficult and they were not able to think critically for the speech. Meanwhile, some students managed to perform well and they spoke in English fluently. Both panels had the hard time choosing the final winners for the competition. Damian Phun from class 5K emerged as the champion with the score 91 out of 100 marks. He took away hamper worth RM200 and cash RM200. Both judges were stunned with his impressive performance when his turn to deliver the speech. For the poem recitation competition, it took place in the school hall. Every class in the afternoon session were required to have a representative to participate in the competition. It was the last activity carried out in English Fortnight. Each participant was allowed to recite the poem of their choice within 5 minutes. Mr. Ong and Ms Lim were the panels to evaluate the performance of all the participants. They allocated the marks for the pronunciation of the grammars, the gesture, and the rhythm of the poem. All the participants prepared well as they managed to recite the poems with different rhythms. All the students applaused for their great performances to show their supports. The champion of the competition was Caryn Chang from class 2S with the poem entitled Road Not Taken. She took away cash RM200 and hamper worth RM200. Derek Lim for class 1M scored the first runner up place and take away cash RM100 and hamper worth RM100. His poem was Mama. The second runner up went to Audr ey Lim from class 2B with the poem titled Loneliness. Strengths and Weaknesses of Programmes The implementation of both programmes were a success. All the activities went well smoothly. To have a better performance in organising programmes in the future, English Language society had numerous meetings to discuss about the progress of the programmes and to analyse both programmes. For the strengths analysed, English Language society appreciated for teachers and students full cooperation. All the teachers had played their part according to the organising committees set. Any arguments incurred the teachers would calm down first before discussing in order to find out the solutions. The students were cooperative too as most of them were active in participating in the programmes designed. They were not shy to take part in it, vice versa, they volunteered themselves to represent the class respectively in the competitions. Through the programmes planned by the English Language society, all the students were given a chance to expose to the use of English. They had the opportunity to practise English in the daily life. Some of the students realised the importance of English and began to speak in English when communicating with students or even teachers. As the saying goes Rome was not built in one day, learning English is not simple, and we should figure out the different ways to improve English respectively. Through writings, students would be able to increase the vocabularies. The writing skills would be increased too. Through speaking, students would be confidence to communicate with others in English. They would not be shy to speak in English. Though listening, students would tend to understand what others say. They would not be blurred with what others say. Indirectly this will greatly enhance the discussions among students and establish good relationship among each other. In short, the programmes p rovided a medium for all the students to learn English and to speak English among them. Without support from parents and school administration, both programmes would not success. During the planning of the programmes, English Language society received great support from both parties. This indirectly boost up the progress of the plannings and the programmes were very successful. School administration had contributed the equipment needed such as PA system, the classroom and so on. Meanwhile, parents had played their part in encouraging their children to take part in the competitions organised. Morever, English Language society managed to seek for sponsorship from outsiders. The committee members approached to local companies to request for sponsorships of the hampers. The companies were willing to play their part in corporate social responsibilities by sponsoring the hampers and providing the incentives as the fund of the programmes. Nevertheless, English Language society had noticed few weaknesses that are needed to improve. First of all, in some competitions such as impromptu speech competition, most of the participants were old faces. All these participants were the school representatives for speech competitions. Indirectly this will discourage other students to take part as they think that they will definitely lose to the school representatives. Their confidence was gone before competing. Besides, the PA system of the school was old and not modern enough. During competitions such as choir singing competitions, the committee members often faced the problem that PA system was malfunctioning. The competition could not go smoothly. The malfunctioning of PA system nearly caused the competition to be delayed and could not finish on time. Furthermore, in the progress of the competitions, some students tend to give excuses such as going to toilets to leave the classroom. Indeed they went to watch the competitions and support their classmates. They would rather played truancy to watch the competitions that staying in the class to study. Schools disciplinary will be affected when the outsiders know. Suggestions and Recommendations In order to maintain the English programmes at high spirit, English Language society would like to share some suggestions and recommendations for improvements. First of all, English Language society would wish that the school administration would give the permission to extend the activities to be carried out outside the formal schooling hours, regardless the time and places. This is to enable the students or parents to watch the competitions and to give support to the participants. For the broken PA system, the school administration is advised to take immediate action to send the PA system for repairing and maintenance in order to maintain the good quality of the equipment. Furthermore, teachers should often encourage the students to speak English in the class through a series of indoor activities. Teachers are the ones who colour the students life, hence they should be good role models by speaking English with the students. Monitors are ought to lead the class to talk in English too. Students will be influenced when most of the students speak in English. Students should not tease those who are weaker in English, vice versa, they should become guiders to help them improve their English. Conclusion In a nutshell, the programmes planned by English Language society had hopefully generated positive effects towards the students, teachers, or even parents. As the saying goes, Practices Make Perfect, students should always bear the quote in mind and begin the trend of speaking English. The English Language society will keep the hard work up and plan the similar programmes next few years to benefit all the students and make English Language becomes more visible in the school compound.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Henry Ford Biography :: essays research papers

Henry Ford Born July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford was the first child of William and Mary Ford. As a young man he became an excellent self-taught mechanic and machinist. At age 16 he left the farm and went to nearby Detroit, a city that was becoming an industrial giant. There he worked as an apprentice at a machine shop, while months later he would begin work with steam engines at the Detroit Dry Dock Co., where he first saw the internal combustion engine, the kind of engine he would later use to make his automobiles. When he was 28 Ford took a job with Thomas Edison's Detroit Illuminating Company, where he became chief engineer. In his spare time he began to build his first car, the Quadricycle. It resembled two bicycles positioned side by side with bicycle-like wheels, a bicycle seat, and a barely visible engine frame. Some said it bore a resemblance to a baby carriage with a two-cylinder engine. In June 1896, Ford took an historic ride in his first automobile that was observed by many curious Detroit on-lookers. The Quadricycle broke down in a humiliating scene. By 1899 Ford created a more proper looking motorcar with the help of wealthy businessman William Murphy. It had high wheels, a padded double bench, brass lamps, mud guards, and a "racy" look. In the same year Ford founded the Detroit Automobile Company. Within 3 years Ford had built an improved, more reliable Quadricycle, using a four-cylinder, 36 horsepower-racing engine. In 1901 his car beat what was then the world's fastest automobile in a race before a crowd of eight thousand people in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. The publicity he received for this victory allowed Ford to finance a practical laboratory for refining his auto ideas. In 1903 Ford launched his own car company, The Ford Motor Car Company, and by January 1904 he had sold 658 vehicles. By 1908 he built the famous Model T, a car that was affordable to the middle class. The automobile was no longer the toy of the rich. Ford was able to make a reliable and inexpensive automobile primarily because of his introduction of the innovative moving assembly line into the process of industrial manufacturing. The assembly line is a system for carrying an item that is being manufactured past a series of stationary workers who each assemble a particular portion of the finished product.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Web 2.0 versus Pedagogy :: Technology, Voice Thread

Web 2.0 is an advance technology which many people used for communication such as blogs, social networking, entertainment and gaining of information about specific issue, events and people. It facilitates an interactive and collaborative application, user centered design and developing World Wide Web (Rad, 2007). This system is not originally intended for teaching a learning purpose but previously some educators was attracted to use this as an educational tool. (Peltier, 2009) Voice thread Integration of literacy and technology is very helpful for learners to fully understand the specific information and as well as in the side of educators that will improve their teaching strategy through adaptability of voice thread. Considering the advancement of the technologies and the knowledge of each educator and the willingness of the learners this progress will not be impossible to achieve as desired. Contributories in making the voice thread effective to the users depending on their capabilities to adapt the process of spreading information and interaction towards feedback mechanism will surely be manageable to which all queries are given that of enough attention. Voice Thread is an online tool which is not originally intended as a classroom tool but in 2008, Burden made a study in which Voice Thread can be used as an educational tool for enhancement of teaching and student learning. This kind of online application showcases a new designed learning tool that engages students to be motivated in exploring and gaining knowledge through video collaborative conversation, images, power point, and audio files. Voice Thread has the ability to securely accommodate learners not only to become readers but to become participants also. (Freyer, 2008) Voice Thread allows interaction within the user and the participants thru exchanging of comments by oral or textual. This application also allows privacy of documents being posted for which you can choose only the audiences or participants which can view your post. To attract learners to be more interested, Voice Thread also allows images or videos to be posted for a better presentation (Anderson, 2010). For better audio comments, Lofton (2008) suggested the usage of Audacity which is a free downloadable application that allows editing and volume adjustments. Another suggestion is to use a better quality microphone (Lofton, 2008). Voice Thread might pose an accessibility problem for those students with low bandwidth. In addition, viewing the application on a mobile phone can be difficult because it employs Flash to deliver content. Web 2.0 versus Pedagogy :: Technology, Voice Thread Web 2.0 is an advance technology which many people used for communication such as blogs, social networking, entertainment and gaining of information about specific issue, events and people. It facilitates an interactive and collaborative application, user centered design and developing World Wide Web (Rad, 2007). This system is not originally intended for teaching a learning purpose but previously some educators was attracted to use this as an educational tool. (Peltier, 2009) Voice thread Integration of literacy and technology is very helpful for learners to fully understand the specific information and as well as in the side of educators that will improve their teaching strategy through adaptability of voice thread. Considering the advancement of the technologies and the knowledge of each educator and the willingness of the learners this progress will not be impossible to achieve as desired. Contributories in making the voice thread effective to the users depending on their capabilities to adapt the process of spreading information and interaction towards feedback mechanism will surely be manageable to which all queries are given that of enough attention. Voice Thread is an online tool which is not originally intended as a classroom tool but in 2008, Burden made a study in which Voice Thread can be used as an educational tool for enhancement of teaching and student learning. This kind of online application showcases a new designed learning tool that engages students to be motivated in exploring and gaining knowledge through video collaborative conversation, images, power point, and audio files. Voice Thread has the ability to securely accommodate learners not only to become readers but to become participants also. (Freyer, 2008) Voice Thread allows interaction within the user and the participants thru exchanging of comments by oral or textual. This application also allows privacy of documents being posted for which you can choose only the audiences or participants which can view your post. To attract learners to be more interested, Voice Thread also allows images or videos to be posted for a better presentation (Anderson, 2010). For better audio comments, Lofton (2008) suggested the usage of Audacity which is a free downloadable application that allows editing and volume adjustments. Another suggestion is to use a better quality microphone (Lofton, 2008). Voice Thread might pose an accessibility problem for those students with low bandwidth. In addition, viewing the application on a mobile phone can be difficult because it employs Flash to deliver content.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Like many other topics, organic food brings up many controversial opinions. A new study out of Stanford University showed how organic fruits and vegetables are the same as conventionally grown products by countering their nutrients intake. Their study included humans that were tested between two days to two years. In the end of their study they concluded that organic goods are no more nutritious than lowly conventional foods. Also, when it comes to meats and dairy production, they claim that they didn’t find any apparent health advantages. To end up with this conclusion, the specialists made thousands of research that included 17 studies of the population that consume organic and non-organic foods in their diet and 223 studies that contain comparisons between the nutrients levels, pesticide, hormones, and bacterial contamination in different organic and non-organic products ( vegetables, fruits, milk, and meats). They strengthen their theory by saying that no long-term studies showed any health difference between people that consume organic foods versus people that eat non-organic products. But still, they said half-heartedly that they found in organic food more phosphorus than in conventionally grown food and higher levels of pesticides in non-organic products. But they quickly covered this by saying that the â€Å"pesticide levels were always within health regulations and below the dangerous levels† (USDA). In the other hand, in the last few years, many studies have been confirmed that organic food is more nutritious than non-organic. According to Crinnion, the mineral and vitamin content in organic products were discussed in earlier studies, while recent studies looked at pesticides and hormones levels. For example, Lairon reported ... ...n). Secondly, sometimes natural hormones are metabolized by the body but the synthetic ones are not. In fact, synthetic hormones act as toxins in the body and can be difficult to get out of your system (U.S Drug and Food Administration). One of the main side effects of synthetic hormones (rBGH and steroid hormone) is weigh gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs. Other major health risks of steroid and rBGH hormones have been correlated with increased risk of many cancers, heart disease and strokes. Simply choosing organic meat and dairy products can help avoid the health risks associated with hormone treated foods including weight gain and obesity. Also, because these steroids and antibiotics are not fully broken down and enter the environment fully intact through waste water and run off choosing organic foods is a good choice for the environment, too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Out, Out

Questions from pg 495 1. How does Frost make the buzz-saw appear sinister? How does he make it seem, in another way, like a friend? a. The first line, â€Å"The buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard† and the seventh line â€Å"And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled† both emit a sense of darkness, as if having a â€Å"personality† of its own. b. When the sister came out and told the brother that supper was ready and the saw looked as if it â€Å"leaped† out of the boys hand, it seemed as if the saw was a friend of the boy that did not want to be abandoned, so it pulled away from the boy in anger, causing injury to the boy.The saw and the boy were in essence â€Å"friends† because of the time they spent together sawing firewood, and when faced with the boy leaving was upset. 2. What do you make of the people who surround the boy—the â€Å"they† of the poem. Who might they be? Do they seem to you concerned and compassiona te, cruel, indifferent, or what? a. The â€Å"they† of the poem appear to be his family, possibly his uncles, aunts, or cousins. They could be neighborhood friends of the boys. b.Whoever they were, they did not seem to be very concerned that the boy was injured, let alone dead. They seemed uncompassionate and unconcerned about what they had witnessed. 3. What does Frost’s reverence to Macbeth contribute to your understanding of â€Å" ‘Out, Out—’ †? How would you state the theme of Frost’s poem? a. It seems to me that Macbeth’s verse is about how short life is, that life is just a shadow, a player, in the game of life, that walks around on a stage, then one day is over.Frost uses part of the first line of Macbeth’s verse â€Å"Out, out† as his title as a way to agree with and reference Macbeth as one of his role models in poetry. b. I feel that Frost uses the theme â€Å"life and death† as the main concept o f â€Å"Out, out. † 4. Set this poem side by side with â€Å"Sir Patrick Spence. † How does â€Å" ‘Out, Out—’ † resemble that medieval folk ballad in the subject, or does it differ from it? How is Frost’s poem similar or different in its way of telling a story? a. To me, the common thread of the two poems is life and eath. Day to day, you live your life, never knowing when your last day on earth will be, and when it comes, it is sudden. b. I think they are both similar it its way of telling a story in the sense that you got pulled into the poem, hanging on its every word. Both poems begin with telling the readers what the characters were doing and continue in detail about what happens. Though short, Frost succeeded at his readers gaining an attachment to the day in the life of his character.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Since this business has been around and owned by my family for over 40 years, we still have leadership harries from 40 years ago that has kept them going for so long. We have adapted new leadership theories from the times changing but most of them have stuck. The owner in our business it not really a leader, since she is retired from her other job, it is up to the manager to lead the employees in the right direction. Some of the aspects of leadership that has stuck with the business over the years would be, what the main focuses are (the customers), the training process and how the manager interacts with the employees.In this business it is like a family so there is a close relationship between the anger and the employees. I believe the theory that best goes along with this family business would be a combination of traditional and contemporary. We have many factors of the traditional but also contemporary because we are always trying to keep up with what is going around us but we als o are stuck with the old leadership from 40 years ago that has gotten us this far in the business. Overall, each leadership will work but for different businesses. You need to find the one that will work the best for you business.Working at a family business creates a lot of stress for not only the family UT the employees also. Since there is only five employees it is hard to get off or call in sick at times; this causes stress between the employees and we have been able to figure a way out to create less stress. We have a sheet where people can list when they need off and another list that people can sign up for the hours that are going to need to be filled. It is almost as if the employees have control but we just put the outline there. Next there is the job roles, each and every person does everything, not just one part.This causes stress sometimes because the employees are not sure what to do first hen there is so much work to get done. We recently fixed this problem, making a l ist of priorities. So when there are many tasks to get done they know what to do first and then they can work their way down the list Also we have made it so if they do not get something done, that list gets passed down to the next shift. I have noticed that this has lifted a lot Of stress Off of all the employees because they have some type of structure and order. The one good aspect that I have noticed in this business is that there are great working conditions.Customers and employees have mentioned that they love working here because of the working conditions and they feel safe and their moods are brought up. The next part of stresses would be within each worker themselves. This honestly has been a hard one to overcome with this business. The top one would be type of personality; the manager here has the type of personality that it is their way or no way. That is good that they have a strong head on their shoulders but that is not always good for a business. When she is around ev erything gets done but all the employees are extremely stressed out when she is here.We have tried to fix this problem but it has not been successful. This is why family business can be hard to work for sometimes, each family member has their own personality and sometimes it clashes and it would be hard on the family if you had to fire them. Other than the type of personality, the individual stresses are not really an aspect at this business. Overall, stresses are a huge part in a business and the faster you catch it the easier it is to fix the problem or work with it to work around it. Group work is a large part in any business.For Franks Beer Stein, it makes up the whole business; since there are no specific tasks dedicated to any specific person, it all takes teamwork to get everything done. We have many steps to make sure everyone is working together; the top one would be everyone's mood that day. We have a policy that you leave your problems at the door unless it deals with wor k itself. If you have a problem with work you can either call the manager or the owner to talk about the problem. This has seemed to work so far, and there has been a huge turn around while everyone is working together.Next would be make a list of what needs to get done and you assign people to do a certain task so everyone knows what each person is doing and does not get frustrated when you do not know where everyone is. Finally, like mentioned before, if the list is not completed by the time your shift is over, that is k, you hand it off to the next shift and so forth. This way it relieves the stress of having to get everything done and rushing instead of taking your time and doing it correctly. Overall, that is not many steps but being a small business it has seemed to work wonderful here ND could possibly work at other companies.There are many potential sources of conflict within a group; these link with the five conflict management styles. The first one is competing; this would be when the workers are competing to either finish first or do a better job. Either way the work is not going to be done the way it should on one of the sides. Also, this would not be working together in a group but working against each other, which from experience does not turn out to be good. Next there is compromising; this would be where to parties would not agree and end up owing to an agreement which they would fall short on each side because they had to come to an agreement.I have never experienced this at my work but if it came to that no one would be making progress so there would have to be changes. Then there is avoiding which I have seen many times and it always has ended horribly. When two or more people would avoid someone because of either they did not get along or they are avoiding a problem that is going on. This overall is not a good thing if you are avoiding something or someone that means something is not getting done at your job and it could urn out with someon e getting fired just because of not facing the problem but rather avoiding it.Next there is accommodating; when you are doing things the way someone else says and it could be working against your full potential. Finally there is collaborating this could be good and it could also be bad. This would be teamwork but two people coming together to work on both of your tasks. This could take up more time because you both are working on one task at a time but it also could make sure you are doing everything correctly because you have two eyes on what you are working on.Overall, most of these management styles are huge conflicts but some can also be good at times to. There are many barriers in communication but there is always a way to fix it. One barrier would be cultural; this is when Someone knows their own culture but not another persons, this could lead to them understanding something differently then one another. This could highly impact teamwork because if a task is said and they mea n one thing but the other person heard it differently, this could impact the relationship and business.The one person would think hat they did it wrong but they could have done exactly what they heard and understood. One way of addressing this would be writing things down and showing at the same time. This will make sure they understand because they will see what you said and physically see what to do, this will limit a lot of problems with cultural barrier. Another barrier would be biases; this would be if someone does not talk to another person because they think that they will not understand or agree with us. This aspect is very common and could effect the teamwork.If you are working with a couple people and you always talk to the same person because in your conscious you know that they are most likely to understand you the most, other employees could see this and it could cause a problem. I have personally seen this happen is my work, with different ages and different genders of the employees. Other employees might get mad or think that you do not like them which would create a whole different situation. A way to solve this would be try' to see who you talk to the most and try and talk to everyone else instead, equally.It would make everyone feel like they are involved and that you do not just favor one person over the rest. Overall, most businesses have these communication problems and there are many different ways to work around them and fix them. But if you do not fix them when they first start happening it could grow into a much larger problem and would be so much more stress on the whole company. Furthermore, there are many problems and conflicts that can come across in every business. Many people thin their lifetime will see most of them and might not even realize what the true problem is.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Examining Ethnic Differences in Achievemen Essay

1. The definition of an ethnic group is a group of people of the same race or nationality that share the same cultural norms and values. 2. Three ways in which the education system may encourage separation between children of different ethnic backgrounds are: Labelling and teacher racism, many teachers label their students and studies by interactionist sociologists found out that many teachers labelled black children as disruptive and they didn’t want them in their class. Another reason is the ethnocentric curriculum. Troyna and Williams describe the curriculum in British schools as ethnocentric because it gives priority to white culture and the English language; this causes separation between white pupils and other ethnic pupils. A final reason is the selection and segregation available to schools. David Gillborn argues that marketization has given schools greater scope to select pupils. This puts some ethnic minority pupils at a disadvantage because selection gives more scope for negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school admissions. 3. There are many ways in which factors in children’s home background may lead to differences in achievement levels between ethnic groups. The first way is cultural deprivation; this is split into 3 aspects. The first is intellectual and linguistic skills. Cultural deprivation theorists argue that many children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences. Bereiter and Engelmann consider the language spoken by low-income black American families as inadequate for educational success. The next aspect is attitudes and values. Cultural deprivation theorists say that some black children are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic ‘live for toady’ attitude that does not value education and leaves them unequipped for success. The final aspect of cultural deprivation is family structure and parental support. Daniel Moynihan argues that because many black families are headed by a lone mother, their children are deprived of adequate care because she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner. Also Ken Pryce claims that Asians are higher achievers because their cukture is more resistant to racism and gives them a greater sense of self-worth. However, he argues, black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and less resistant to racism. As a result, many balck pupils have low self-esteem and under-achieve. Another reason is Material deprivation and class. According to Flaherty; Pakistani’s and Bangladeshis are over three times more likely than whites to be in the poorest fifth of the population, as a result statistics show that Pakistani and Bangladeshi boys are among the lowest ethnic groups in the country to obtain 5 A-C GCSE’s. A final reason is racism in wider society. David Mason says â€Å" discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of the experience of Britain’s citizens of minority ethnic origin. † 4. The differences in educational attainment between different groups of pupils have been a major focus of much sociological research. These differences can often be seen to be largely due to different social class, but also gender or ethnicity. Social class is the most significant and dominant factor when looking at these differences, but ethnicity also has a relative impact on educational achievement. Education has a key role to play in eradicating racism and valuing diversity and it a responsibility for all educational establishments, including those with few or no ethnic minority pupils. Promoting racial equality demands a whole school approach and commitment from all those who are involved in the life and work of their school. Racism is linked to the educational achievement of minority ethnic groups, however the connections are complex. Gilborn and Mirza conclude that ‘social class and gender differences are also associated with differences in attainment but neither can account for persistent underlying ethnic inequalities: comparing like with like, African Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi pupils do not enjoy equal opportunities. ’ They also argue that in promoting educational inclusion as a means of raising standards, there is a need ‘for clarity and guidance in translating the commitment to equality and inclusion into policy proposals and practice at the local and school level. Many cultural deprivation theorists see the lack of intellectual and linguistic skills as a major cause of under-achievement. Gordon Bowker identifies their lack of standard English as a major barrier to progress in education and integration into wider society. However the Swann Report found that language was not a major factor in under-achievement. Other cultural deprivation theorists suc as Charles Murray argue that a high rate of lone parenthood and a lack of positive male role models lead to the under-achievement of some minorities. Also Anthony Flew believes that ethnic differences in achievement stem from cultural differences outside the education system, not discrimination within it. However Geoffrey Driver criticises the cultural deprivation theory for ignoring the positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. He shows that the black Caribbean family, far from being dysfunctional, provides girls with positive role models of strong independent wome Driver argues this is why black girls tend to be more successful in education than black boys. Some socilogists that the ethnic differences in education are cause by racism. John Rex shows how racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and how this worsens the poverty faced by ethnic minorities. In housing, for instance, discrimination means that minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard acoomodation than white people of the same class. This creates separation due to the ethnic children not being able to study at home and therefore getting lower grades than the white children who are able to study at home.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Do Major Cities Reflect the Most Important Characteristics of a Society Essay

My opinion is that when analyzing the most important characteristics of a society, it is true that one must study its major cities; however focusing only in major cities would generate a biased result. They concentrate an important part of the population of a country and they can represent well the main characteristics of the urban life of a particular society, however they fail in reflecting the rural world, ethnic minorities and local languages. Major cities reflect the characteristics of the best-educated segments of the population, the ones with higher incomes and better job opportunities, on the other hand, small towns and rural communities may have totally different characteristics and probably will have lower quality education, lower income and worse jobs in terms of remuneration. One example is China, if one were to look at major cities like Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing and only focusing on those cities, the conclusions would be wrong. One would conclude that China is very industrialized, that its society organizes in crowded, modern and congested cities. The truth about China is that there are two realities, the urban China represented in major cities and the rural one, depicted in its small communities, both with contrasting characteristics. In short, looking at the major cities is extremely important to assess an important group of the society, however we should always keep in mind that a society is composed by different groups and realities and in order to understand it correctly we must look into a representative set of communities whether they are big or small.